Tarot: The Moon – Coping with Uncertainty

This is a partial reading by Michelle Crandell titled The World in the Time of the Moon.

By Michelle Crandell

In the time of the Moon, that which was hidden, ignored or denied emerges into consciousness and reality. It is hard to tell fact from fairy tale. Nothing seems certain. 

Some people become disturbed or confused by the uncertainty. Some might be drawn to imaginative theories and simple solutions for these seemingly overwhelming problems. Some cling to a false sense of security. 

When understanding is not yet possible, some of us might become frustrated, frightened or suspicious. Making good decisions for ourselves and for others can become very challenging in a time of uncertainty.

Those who do well during the time of the Moon are comfortable with uncertainty. First, they choose concern over fear. Second, they think using the experimental model. Such people cultivate “Beginner’s Mind”…a way of thinking that delights in the experience of “not having to know yet.” 

Such people may witness how various individuals and groups are experimenting with ways to cope with and solve problems as they show up. Frequently, such people are natural introverts who know how to spend time alone wisely. 

Regardless of how you are coping, I hope this partial reading titled The World in the Time of the Moon gives you some guidance. For those readers familiar with the Tarot, I used the Moon as the significator and cards 1-5 represent the first part of a Celtic cross reading. 

1. Crosses/Covers the Moon: TEN of PENTACLES. Realize that what you do now will affect future generations: our children, our county and our world. Each persons’ behavior counts. Pay particular attention to being “good to and good for” people close to you. During this time, you can have an enduring positive affect by helping others in practical ways. 

2. Quality of Conscious Mind: QUEEN of PENTACLES. Routine has been disrupted, providing a rare opportunity to consider what is truly important to you and to those you care for. Reassess your day to day life, your habits and the quality of your thoughts and your relationships. Become more responsible for the influence you have on others.

3. Unconscious/Hidden Mind: The MAGICIAN: Practice skills, talents and abilities you have wanted to develop but have not made a priority. Create and innovate using your abilities in new combinations. Harness your imagination. Be inventive. Do things differently for the better.

4. The Legacy of the Past: FOUR of SWORDS. Now is a good time for quiet contemplation, sleep, emotional recuperation and activities which help you heal. Be aware of what is happening in the world, but spend more time cultivating peace and peace of mind.

5. The Near Future: The DEVIL: Following the guidance of the previous cards, it becomes possible to face the “big picture” issue our current state of uncertainty presents: the Devil. The Devil represents voluntary enslavement to one or more of the Seven Deadly Sins: Pride, Greed, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, and Sloth. The Moon allows us to see the “darker aspects” of human nature. The Devil allows us to address our own attachments to the harmful thoughts, feelings and behaviors we ignore in ourselves, hide from ourselves or blame on others. 

By accepting your “carnal desires” as part of human nature, you can increase your compassion for the “human dilemmas” of others. By developing a sense of humor about your own mistakes, foibles and shortcomings, you can develop tolerance for and patience with yourself and others. By working on creating a better version of yourself, you will have a meaningful, positive direction to pursue in this time of uncertainty.

Michelle Crandell provides individual Tarot readings for a fee. Once a year, she teaches LEARN TO READ TAROT. Michelle is following CoVid-19 protection practices while providing private readings. To learn more, email michelle.crandell@gmail.com or call 501-655-6242.


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