Heal Your Heart, Heal Your Soul

Dear Friends,

There comes a time for each of us to make choices that reflect our true selves as we use our gifts and talents. For me that time is now. This year’s challenges have allowed me to tune into what is of great importance to my heart and discern where I may contribute most meaningfully. 

So, going forward I am dedicating my work to working with women who desire to live fulfilling lives with joy and confidence, but who struggle with emotional pain, feel broken, are not heard or understood, or feel powerless. As a Transformational Life Coach and Energy Healing Practitioner, I am committed to assist women to move from a place of pain and self-doubt toward a position of freedom and empowerment! 

You see, this is my story. After suffering from physical, emotional, and mental abuse, I was lost, broken, and beaten down. I had become the shell of the woman I once was having lived in fear and pain for so long. I finally mustered the strength to leave my 12-year marriage with my young son in tow. Slowly, I began to heal. Once I began to see that I was worthy of love, most especially from myself, I knew I would survive this experience.

Those important years of my life taught me to become the passionate, empowered, joy-filled woman I was always meant to be! And now I am offering to others an avenue to help them find their way, too. With love, compassion, and understanding, I will walk alongside women as they journey toward their own freedom and transformation from whatever oppression they experienced.

So, I ask . . . Are you ready to discover the real YOU and live your Truth? Is it time to start anew as the passionate, courageous, joyful woman you know you are meant to be?

Peggy Lindsey


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