Energy of the Future, What’s the Answer?

By David Rose

Not hydroelectric or geothermal? Limited, unless you live at the bottom of Niagara Falls or in Iceland.

Not oil? Along with grease, tar and other petroleum products, oil does not come out of clothing in a normal wash. I don’t believe it has much of a future for that reason.

Not coal? Even dirtier than oil. There’s a reason naughty kids get coal in their stocking.

Not solar? Shows promise, but those large fields of solar panels are unsightly. They look like a trailer park that got run over by a fleet of monster trucks.

Not wind? Also promising, but unsightly as well. I’d even go beyond unsightly to the point of being pretty darned weird. Seeing those giant windmills stretched to the horizon is like being in a scene from a movie based on an Orson Welles novel.

Not nuclear? Just about every monster since Godzilla was brought to us by the power of the atom.

Fortunately, the answer to the problem has been with us all along – Drinking Birds. No eye-sore problem here. Those things are cuter than pants on mice. We just mount a dozen or so birds along the shore of the lakes that rim the town. Remembering to fill the cup won’t be an issue. If each bird were about 200 feet high and harnessed to a generator, they could supply electricity for the entire city.


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