So Long and Thanks for All the Fish

By David Rose

What’s the story with dolphins? It’s common knowledge that they have as much brain mass as we do, maybe more. They’ve also been around for 15 million years; 75 times as long as us. Humans have only been around for 200,000 years, give or take a century or two.

In that short time, we’ve raced to the front of the pack. People invented motor cars, moon shots, TV sets, computers, frozen food and take out.

So far those jovial fish haven’t come up with as much as a cigarette lighter. OK, bad example. Dolphins aren’t fish, they’re mammals, and a Zippo wouldn’t do them much good in their aquatic environment. But you see what I’m getting at. Comparatively speaking, the dolphins haven’t done squat.

This may sound like I’m dissing dolphins, I’m not. They’re on an average pace for evolution. They haven’t been moving slow, we have been moving at break-neck speed, and still accelerating. Humans have been evolving at a pace that is simply out of this world. You see where I’m going with this?

In the debate between the proponents of evolution and those favoring intelligent design, it’s not possible that both sides are right. But, could it be that both sides are wrong? Could it be that we are truly the spawn of space aliens?

As an artist, David Rose won both the Arkansas Governor’s Award and the Delta Award. His works are in the collections of Tim Robbins, Bruce Springsteen, & Susan Sarandon. As a writer he flunked every English class he ever sat in. Born in Woodstock, NY, he is very much a product of the 1960s and never really managed to escape that fabled decade. Visit Rose at and on Facebook.



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