Living Joyfully

By Peggy Lindsey

Life is not for the faint of heart! Often we feel we are riding the largest roller coaster scaling the peaks and valleys of those unforgettable days. But why is it we seem to dwell on our time down low instead of celebrating our moments of happiness?

We have gotten comfortable with negativity! What message are we telling yourselves? Are we so focused on what could go wrong, that we forget what wondrous things can go right? What people do you choose to have around you? Are they disapproving of your chosen path, or criticize your thoughts and ideas? Or, do you have people who support and uplift you, and help you see bright possibilities? It’s time to release this habitual skepticism!

Let’s lighten up and laugh more . . . a lot more! Sure, life has a way of throwing us curve balls. The kids are sick. You are working longer hours at work. You are stuck in a traffic jam . . . It is so easy for impatience and frustration to set in when you are facing such situations, but how is getting upset going to change them? In these moments we get to choose how we will react. Try something new – take a deep breath and laugh! Look beyond to see the silver lining in the clouds overhead. Remember what is truly good and beautiful in your life!

The old saying goes, “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade!” So, with open hearts, let’s look at life with positive perspective. Why do some people seem to be happy all the time? It is because they choose joy!

Peggy Lindsey is a Master Teacher of Arcing Light Energy Healing, a Professional Life Coach, and an Angel Intuitive. Peggy’s passion is assisting others on their journey toward happy, healthy lives by empowering them to live more joyfully and consciously. She created her business On Angels’ Wings Healing and Coaching in 2012 and currently practices in Sedona, Arizona. She can be reached at 928-273-8447. For more info, visit


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