Tarot: The Hanged Man XII

By Michelle Crandell

After seeing Justice in a new way, the Fool wonders what other “life rules” he has believed without examination. Dichotomies come to mind: outer wealth and inner poverty, achievement versus balance, being right or being loved.

His mind flooded by paradoxes and ambiguities, he becomes mentally weary and sits down beneath a tree. There he stays. The world goes by like a movie. Life seems surreal, out of the ordinary, turned upside down.

For no reason he can discern, the Fool climbs the tree, ties his right foot to a branch and hangs upside down. He imagines letting go of all he owns or values, all he desires or cares about. He feels suspended between the world of wanting and the world of being, between the ordinary and the spiritual. I can be “in the world but not of it,” he thinks. When the Fool rights himself, he is able to see himself, other people and the world, from many perspectives. “I am free of my either/or mind,” he exclaims. He no longer fears “the unknown.” Rather, he is curious about what he does not yet understand.

Michelle Crandell provides individual readings for a fee. Once a year, she teaches LEARN TO READ TAROT. For more information, email michelle.crandell@gmail.com or call 501-655-6242.



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