“Happiness Actions #26” : What Are Your Questions?

By Christi Nation

“Our key to transforming anything lies in our ability to reframe it.” Marianne Williamson

Sarah, my former student, recently called. After taking my speech class, some students contact me for guidance and questions. I feel honored when they do. She is two years into an accounting degree and has two years to go.

She was discouraged about the coursework coming up, such as Calculus and how long the degree would take. Sarah asked me if she should just find a quicker degree. Instead of a “stay in school” speech, I asked a series of questions.

“On a scale of one to ten, how badly do you want to be an accountant?” Sarah said seven because of the amount of time she had left in her degree. I asked, “What if you took those two years out of the equation?” She said her number would be a TEN because she had wanted to be an accountant since she was a little girl.

“What is it like in your job now?” She told me in a dejected manner about her present job. I asked her to visualize what her day-to-day would look like as an accountant. When she went through the scenario, Sarah became quite enthused about her future career. I said, “Keep that image in your mind when you have challenging times.”

When Sarah and I began to talk, she was discouraged because of her perception and mindset. Through my questions, her answers and further conversation, she reframed the two years remaining and is excited to graduate.

Until next time, here are your Happiness Action steps:

When you are discouraged about something, reframe your situation by asking questions about the possible outcomes.

Ponder this quote, “Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it.” – Lou Holtz

Christi Nation has taught communication and relationship principles on the college level for the past twenty years. She moved to Alexandria, Louisiana from Hot Springs, Arkansas, in April 2017. She loves the hometown she left and has grown to love her new, adopted home.


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