Tarot: The Chariot

By Michelle Crandell.

Now that he has a partner, the Fool commits to taking life more seriously. He realizes, “I have a life to live and other people depend on me.”

To move ahead, the Fool needs focus and determination…and a sturdy chariot. He names his chariot, “A Path with Heart.”

Next, he trains and nurtures two horses, one black and one white. Their names: Power and Responsibility. The Fool knows he needs to find ways to keep his horses working together if he is to guide his chariot forward.

By pursuing a path with heart, the Fool develops the skills of a warrior. He learns to take a stand, stand up for himself, to stand for what he believes in.

He also learns to stand in front of those he cares for when they need protection. He learns to stand beside people to support and encourage them. He learns to take responsibility for his actions and the consequences of his actions.

The Fool becomes a Charioteer, self-reliant and self-confident…and a little arrogant and impatient. He sees himself as his own person: a mover and a shaker, a rescuer, a person capable of achieving goals, a force to be reckoned with.

And…if he becomes a wise Charioteer, he also learns the limits of Power and Responsibility. His motto: “I am the boss of me, the boss of ME! And that’s hard enough.”

Michelle Crandell provides individual readings for a fee. Once a year, she teaches LEARN TO READ TAROT. For more information, email michelle.crandell@gmail.com or call 501-655-6242.


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