Luminary Tradition Continues in Quapaw-Prospect District

Hundreds of luminaries will be placed in the Quapaw-Prospect area for the public to enjoy December 8, beginning at dusk.

The Quapaw-Prospect Area Preservation (QPAP) luminary tradition continues Saturday, December 8th. Over five thousand luminaries will line the streets in the historic Quapaw-Prospect neighborhood to illuminate the night with twinkling lights, weather permitting! (No rain date.)

“The Quapaw-Prospect luminary display has been one of Hot Springs’ most popular outdoor holiday traditions since it began. The annual event draws hundreds of local and out of town visitors into our wonderful historic neighborhood to view the streets lined with glowing luminaries,” said Lydia Vidanage, President of QPAP.

The public is invited to join in making this year’s celebration the best event ever. Volunteers will be placing luminaries at the curbside of every home on Saturday morning. Interested in helping out with our preparations? We will be filling and distributing the luminaries throughout the neighborhood starting at 8am on the 8th. Lighting begins at dusk which will be approximately 5:00 p.m. For questions or to volunteer, visit the Quapaw/Prospect Historic Neighborhood on Facebook.

The Quapaw-Prospect Area Preservation was founded in 1986 and is an active network that communicates with residents to enhance the quality of life in the area and to protect the neighborhood’s residential status. Working as a group of enthusiastic volunteers, the organization has created this holiday display of luminaries for the enjoyment of the Hot Springs community.


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