Living in Gratitude

By Peggy Lindsey

Every November we look forward to Thanksgiving Day with excitement and a touch of nostalgia. What is it that makes us feel so good? Is it the gathering of family and friends from far and near? Or perhaps it’s the succulent turkey with all the trimmings and a scrumptious pumpkin pie that calls out to you! Or could it be so much more?

Thanksgiving brings our awareness to thoughts of gratitude. Ahhh, yes! Gratitude… the beautiful act of feeling and communicating appreciation for the people, circumstances, and material possessions in our lives. Gratitude allows us to truly cherish the present moment in ways that make us feel abundant! We feel good!

The positive effects of gratitude are numerous! Alex Korb, PhD, talks about how gratitude boosts the neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin and the hormone oxytocin, all associated with wellbeing and having a positive outlook on life.

Deepak Chopra has written articles about clinical studies that prove the positive effects of gratitude on the recovery of patients with symptomatic and asymptomatic heart failure. A 2003 research study found that participants who took time weekly to reflect on things for which they were grateful reported few symptoms of physical illness. Science is providing clinical proof supporting the fact that gratitude does good!

John F. Kennedy once said, “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”

So as we celebrate Thanksgiving Day let us recognize our blessings and offer gratitude for our families, friends, gifts and talents . . . for when we see value, virtue and benefit in everything, we will experience so much more to be grateful for!

Peggy Lindsey is a Master Teacher of Arcing Light Energy Healing, a Professional Life Coach, and an Angel Intuitive. Peggy’s passion is assisting others on their journey toward happy, healthy lives by empowering them to live more joyfully and consciously. She created her business On Angels’ Wings Healing and Coaching in 2012 and currently practices in Sedona, Arizona.  She can be reached at 928-273-8447. For more info, visit


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