It’s Not Just for the Birds!

For the past 18 years Songbird Central has been a staple in the Cornerstone retail shopping area in Hot Springs. Last year the business was purchased by Amy Begay and she and her family welcome you to the Grand Reopening celebration October 8 through 13!

During this time, they will have special sales and daily giveaways. Be sure to listen to US97 between 6-10AM October 8th through the 12th to hear the deals and listen daily for the 5 days of giveaways. You can find information and register for the giveaways in the store or on their website

Finally, join them on Saturday, October 13th, at the store for FREE samples, Mom’s famous pumpkin bars, popcorn and refreshments. On Saturday, the first 30 customers will receive a FREE Songbird Central Tote!

Songbird Central is central Arkansas’ destination for the backyard nature lover specializing in everything you will need to enjoy bird feeding and bird watching.

They also offer bat houses, butterfly feeders & houses, squirrel feeders, rain chains, weather vanes, wind spinners, wind bells and chimes (Woodstock & Corinthians), outdoor flags, decorative art poles, solar lighting, thermometers, rain gauges, 3D maps & signs for Lake Hamilton, gardening accessories, earrings, birding books, puzzles and unique gift items.

Stop in at 252 Cornerstone Bvd, Mon-Sat 10-5 and visit


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