Benefits of Yoga Archer Pose

Grounding, Focus, Strength & Stamina

by Karen Watson Reeves

I enjoy looking for ways to take my yoga “off the mat.” I also enjoy riding my bicycle around beautiful Hot Springs. Several months ago as I was riding the Greenway Trail, I noticed a sculpture had been placed near the trail, and it drew me for closer inspection.

It reminded me of a perhaps lesser known pose from the Kundalini yoga tradition called Archer Pose, a version of Warrior 2, and the subject of the art piece is reminiscent of Reverse Warrior.

It spoke to me so that I wanted to be near that Archer, that warrior, and I found myself parallel to him. Like Warrior 2 and Reverse Warrior, the arms are raised, but in Archer the hands and arms are positioned as though the practitioner were about to shoot an arrow.

I practiced versions of the Archer in a workshop several years ago where the instructor’s theme was “Aim True.” Throughout that weekend we were encouraged to follow our hearts, set our sights, and aim! The Archer encourages us to do that, and what a great benefit that is!

Other benefits include feeling grounded, both with the earth and in physical reality; being focused, fixing our attention on the point our “arrow” is aimed; opening the heart, and keeping a soft tension across the chest and heart chakra.

On a more physical level the Archer pose develops strength in the quadriceps, knees, feet, and arms. Because holding the pose for several breaths is desired, physical stamina is gained.

If you are willing to be honest as you aim and stay grounded, authenticity can result, willpower can be strengthened, courage can be attained, and you can fearlessly point your arrow from your heart into your future dreams and hopes.

Karen Watson Reeves was born and raised in Mount Holly and has called Hot Springs home since 2006. She became a registered yoga teacher in 2011 and has travelled Arkansas teaching her passion.

She owns The Yoga Place, is on the Hot Springs YMCA teaching staff, is an adjunct instructor at National Park College, as well as teaching in several other fabulous venues. When not on the mat, Karen enjoys the beautiful outdoors of the National Park, especially from her bicycle. For more information, visit


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