Lindsey Let Go of Old

Let Go of the Old to Embrace the New!


It is an inevitable part of life, but what is it that brings up such resistance? Are we enduring the
pain of a broken relationship, the boredom of a routine, or the drudgery of a lifeless job?
We complain about how things are to anyone who might listen, yet when we are faced with an opportunity
to do something about it, we retract in fear! Endings of any kind are often seen as uncomfortable because we are
more familiar with what is known than the unknown.

Sometimes life thrusts change upon us dramatically and without warning – disabling accidents, a loved
one’s death, divorce, a job loss, a major illness – all of these leave us with the need to adjust to a new way of living,
and we are often left feeling totally unprepared to do so. But not all transitions come from negative experiences.
Marriage, a baby, a new job, a relocation – these events are usually planned and expected.

And then there are the times when transitions occur when we feel we are in a rut. Things aren’t going well,
and we just don’t seem to understand why. We begin to feel it is time for a major change and jump in with both feet!
Once we let go of the past, but are not yet feeling connected to the present, we enter what is called “the neutral
zone”. This is a beautiful time that offers great self-reflection and an opportunity to re-evaluate what is important to
us, and what we want in life – giving us focus and direction toward the future.

With a sense of excitement and motivation, we embark on an expedition of growth, self-knowledge, and a
whole lot of joy! And as you move through this important passage, be sure to take care of yourself (physically,
emotionally, and spiritually), and find the support you need for a safe and productive way to navigate this part of
your life’s journey.

Peggy Lindsey is a Master Teacher of Arcing Light Energy Healing, a Professional Life Coach,
and an Angel Intuitive. Peggy’s passion is assisting others on their journey toward happy,
healthy lives by empowering them to live more joyfully and consciously. She created her business
On Angels’ Wings Healing and Coaching in 2012 and currently practices in Sedona, Arizona.

She can be reached at 928-273-8447. For more info, visit .



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